About me

Hello, I am applying for my PhD in 2024. Before that, I worked as a research assistant at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) for one year. During this period, I visited and served as a research intern at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where I was advised by Prof. Shao Lin . I received my bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2022.

My previous research work focused on machine learning algorithm optimization and application: Automatic design of neural network architecture; Differentiable Reinforcement Learning; Acceleration for Mobile Computing.


  1. [Sep 2023] Our MathNAS on rapid network architecture design is accepted by NeurIPS!

  2. [Apr 2023] Our DGL on mobile device latency prediction is accepted by the IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing !

  3. [July 2022] I received my B.S. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and received the title of Outstanding Graduate !

  4. [Sep 2021] I won the Chinese National Scholarship (0.2%) !

Publications & Manuscripts

  1. Wang Qinsi* , Jinhan Ke*, Zhi Liang, Sihai Zhang, MathNAS: If Blocks Have a Role in Mathematical Architecture Design, NeurIPS, 2023.

  2. Wang Qinsi , Zhang Sihai, "DGL: Device Generic Latency model for Neural Architecture Search on Mobile Devices.", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023.

  3. Yuqi Xiang, Feitong Chen, Wang Qinsi , Gang Yang, Xiang Zhang, Xinghao Zhu, Xingyu Liu, Lin Shao, "Diff-Transfer: Model-based Robotic Manipulation Skill Transfer via Differentiable Physics Simulation.", submitted to ICLR, 2023.

  4. Wang Qinsi , Jiang Xueyi, Xiao Xiaolong. "Research on Invasive Insect Image Recognition Based on Artificial Intelligence." 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE). IEEE, 2021.

  5. Wang Qinsi , He Yuhui. Transportation Planning Method Based on Improved Kruskal Algorithm [J]. Computer Applications, 2021, 41(S01):4.



  1. National University of Singapore (NUS)
    2023 — 2023

    R.A. in School of Computer Science and Technology.

    Research directions: Reinforcement Learning and Robotics.

  2. University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
    2022 — 2023

    R.A. in School of Microelectronics.

    Research directions: Neural Architecture Search and Mobile Computing.

  3. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
    2018 — 2022

    B.S. in Electronic Science and Technology Major, School of Optics and Electronic Information.

    Overall GPA: 3.87/ 4.0

Awards & Honors

  1. 2022 — 2023

    Excellent graduate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

  2. 2021 — 2022

    Scholarship for Science and Technology Innovation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

    Scholarship for Outstanding Student Cadre of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

  3. 2020 — 2021

    Honorable Mention in the Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling (MCM/ ICM). (team leader)

    Second Prize in the Chinese Mathematical Contest In Modeling. (team leader)

    Second Prize in the Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest In Modeling. (team leader)

    Third Prize in the MathorCup Mathematical Contest In Modeling. (team leader)

  4. 2019 — 2020

    *China National Scholarship (0.2%).

    First Prize in The Chinese Mathematics Competitions.

    Merit Student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (5%).

  5. 2018 — 2019

    Merit Student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (5%).

    Scholarship for Science and Technology Innovation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

    Scholarship for Self-improvement of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

My skills

  • Python
    I am proficient in pytorch, and I have built, trained and tested DNN models many times (such as ResNet, YOLOv4 and MobilNet-V3).
  • Linux
    I often work with linux systems and I am familiar with its commands. I have managed and used edge devices such as Nvidia Jetson TX2, Jetson NX, which are all linux operating systems.
  • Android
    I master the basic use of Android Studio. In my previous project, I used Android Studio to deploy pytorch models on mobile devices.
  • C/C++
       I have learned C++ in class and I have done several course projects in C++. If necessary, I will learn C/C++ more and become proficient in it.
  • Matlab
    I can skillfully use Matlab to complete various mathematical operations, as well as the training and testing of neural networks.


  • finance

    Machine Learning

    Neural Architecture Search

    Mobile Computing

  • orizon

    Reinforcement Learning

    Robotic Manipulation Skill

    Algorithm Optimization

  • fundo

    Mathematical Modeling

    Invasive Insect Image Recognition

    Transportation Planning

  • brawlhalla

    Other Projects

    Image Segmentation

    Image Retrieval

    Handwritten Word Recognition

    Contour Extraction

    Lyric Prediction

  • finance

  • MathNAS: If Blocks Have a Role in Mathematical Architecture Design

    NeurIPS2023   Paper   Code

    Wang Qinsi*, Jinhan Ke*, Zhi Liang, Sihai Zhang

    Task : Image classification/text translation.
    What : Automatic design of neural network architecture.
    Motivation : The design of network architecture for specific tasks and specific resource constraints requires considerable time and computing power costs.
    Insights : We propose a block performance evaluation formula and decompose the network design into the block designs.
    Advantages : Reduces the cost of network architecture design from exponential level to polynomial level.

    DGL: Device Generic Latency Model for Neural Architecture Search on Mobile Devices

    IEEE TMC 2023   Paper

    Wang Qinsi, Sihai Zhang

    Task : Image classification.
    What : Neural network architecture design on mobile devices.
    Motivation : Designing network architecture for specific devices and latency constraints is difficult.
    Insights : We propose a network latency prediction formula by considering specific hardware configuration parameters.
    Advantages : For specific mobile devices, a network that meets latency requirements can be quickly designed without prior deployment.

  • finance

  • Diff-Transfer: Model-based Robotic Manipulation Skill Transfer via Differentiable Physics Simulation

    Submitted to ICLR 2023   Paper   Vedio

    Yuqi Xiang, Feitong Chen, Qinsi Wang, Gang Yang, Xiang Zhang, Xinghao Zhu, Xingyu Liu, Lin Shao

    Task : Control the robotic arm to close the grill/change the clock/open the door/open the drawer.
    What : Transfer learning in the field of robotics.
    Motivation : For intelligent robots, the ability to transfer mastered skills to complete a range of similar but novel tasks is crucial.
    Insights : We introduce Diff-Transfer, a novel framework that leverages differentiable physics simulations to efficiently transfer robotic skills.
    Advantages : The robot can quickly learn challenging transfer tasks.

    Differentiable Actor-Critic: Efficient Use of Gradients in Model-free RL

    The project is ongoing.

    Wang Qinsi, Lin Shao

    Task : Reinforcement learning control task.
    What : Gradient-based model-free reinforcement learning algorithms.
    Motivation : Model-free reinforcement learning algorithms are severely limited in their applicability to complex real-world domains due to the large amounts of training data they require.
    Insights : We blend gradient-based methods with model-free methods, gaining the benefits of both.
    Advantages : Fast training of reinforcement learning algorithms.

  • finance

  • Research on Invasive Insect Image Recognition Based on Artificial Intelligence

    ICBAIE 2021   Paper

    Wang Qinsi, Jiang Xueyi, Xiao Xiaolong, Wang Xueshun

    Task : Image recognition.
    What : Optimization of recognition algorithms for real-world problems.
    Motivation : There are problems with poor quality and a small proportion of correct samples when performing image recognition of insect pictures.
    Insights : We combine image recognition with species distribution and propose a new framework to improve accuracy in practical applications.
    Advantages : Significantly improves sample recognition accuracy on real-world data sets.

    Transportation Planning Method Based on Improved Kruskal Algorithm

    Computer Applications 2021   Paper

    Wang Qinsi, He Yuhui

    Task : Transportation planning.
    What : An effective transportation planning method for transportation planning problems with transfer center constraints.
    Motivation : Transportation problem with links is an NP problem.
    Insights : We build a minimum spanning tree model with constraints from the perspective of graph theory and improve Kruskal algorithm.
    Advantages : Provides relatively accurate and complete solutions to this type of transportation planning problem.

  • finance
  • Image Segmentation Based on Level Set

    Task :Use level set segmentation algorithm to complete image segmentation with python. Excellent segmentation is achieved on multiple classic images such as cups, twocells and vessels.

    Image Retrieval Based on Inverted Index

    Task: The SIFT features of 1000 images are randomly sampled. And the hierarchical k-means algorithm is used to train the visual codebook (codebook size is 10000). L2 normalization is used to process the visual histogram. The inverted index is used for the final output.

    Handwritten Word Recognition

    Task: A multinomial logistic regression model is used for image classification to recognize each letter separately. The conditional probability formula for words is constructed by considering the letter classification and the probability of consecutive occurrence of two adjacent letters. The Viterbi algorithm is used to find the sequence of letters that maximizes the conditional probability of a word to achieve word recognition.

    Contour Extraction

    Task: Laplacian and Sobel operators are used to extract contours. The program is optimized to be more suitable for GPU parallel computing, and obtains a speedup ratio of 30 compared to CPU.

    Lyric Prediction

    Task: 1000 lyrics (from Jay Chou's songs) are used as training samples. Character indices are built and onehot vectors are used as input to the network. A recurrent neural network is trained and used for lyrics prediction. This project is my work when I participated in the 2020 Public Welfare AI Learning Together Training Camp.



I love photography and travel, here are some of my photography works.

  • finance
  • finance
  • finance
  • finance
  • finance
  • finance
  • finance
  • finance


Email: wqs@mail.ustc.edu.cn/ wangqinsi1@outlook.com

Phone: +86 15972166062